Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Till my belly hangs over my belt

New music Tuesday!

Yes, it is new music Tuesday, which this week means the latest release from Sigur Rós, "Hvarf/Heim". It contains some new recordings, some re-recordings, and some live recordings. And well, since Sigur Rós is one of my favorite bands, I'm overjoyed. I'm looking more forward to the DVD "Heima" that they are releasing on November 20, though. That should be killer.

Today I also picked up the latest release from The Gunshy, "There Is No Love In This War". The lyrics consist mainly of letters by Paul Arbogast, Matt Arbogast's (The Gunshy) grandfather, to his sweetheart (and eventually his wife) during WWII. The cd is black with the following handwritten text in white:

I.O.U. 100 kisses

Paul Arbogast
You can't collect till I get home

The Gunshy - May 14, 1943

And on a different front, I went out with Kate, Andrew, and Jeff to play foosball in Old Town. It was awesome. And intense. And definitely needs to be done again. Also, Kate's dog, Widget, is awesome. (aka I want a puppy)

All that's left for tonight is to relax, knit, and watch the other recent purchase of Ratatouille. :-)

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