Thursday, July 24, 2008

Immediate action

I feel like I've been knitting up a storm lately. I finally broke down and took some pictures this evening. First up is "Francie" from Rebekkah Kerner at Bowerbird Knits. I saw this on the Yarn Harlot blog and just had to do it myself. These knit fairly quickly and was plenty enough to keep my attention. This was my first time using bamboo needles and I think they really helped me with my gauge. I knit terribly tight, so much that when I'm using metal needles small enough I bend them. Bamboo doesn't bend though, it breaks, and I did manage to make it through without breaking a needle. A success then!


I then started another Rebekkah Kerner design, "Salto". I had been working on the Gentlemen's Socks With Lozenge Pattern from "Knitting Vintage Socks" in the Noro Kureyon Sock yarn but the purl pattern was boring me to shreds. I had been working on the one sock for months, on size zero needles, and couldn't imagine finishing the one, let alone getting through a second sock. And then there was the solution, CABLES! And "Salto" is full of them. Noro sock yarn is my favorite yarn to knit with, how it goes thick and thin, and of course the colors. I'm nearly through with the first sock, and after this many cables, I really would like to go back and knit the Koolhaas hat again now that I have a better idea of how cables work.



Mel said...

Are you doing your cables without leaning on the cable needle crutch? That's when they really start to take off.

jerkameleon2 said...

The owner of my LYS showed me Grumperina's tutorial before I had ever attempted a cable, so I've never had the crutch.